Q&A with the founder of up-and-coming vegan brand, Naturally Daisy

By Talia Jones

Going vegan has never been easier with the help of 21-year-old vegan influencer, Daisy Ware

Daisy switched to veganism overnight, after watching the 2014 YouTube documentary, Cowspiracy, that reveals the impact the animal agriculture has on the environment. She had no prior knowledge of the vegan world and with a strong mind, she figured it out on her own and has never looked back.

Daisy has now been a devoted vegan for over three years and is full of knowledge on the vegan way of life. Now she wants to share what she has learned with the launch of her new website and brand, Naturally Daisy.

The website will be packed with vegan insights, recipes, health advice, yoga, and lifestyle tips.

Along with working two jobs and building her brand, Daisy is training to become a qualified yoga teacher, working on her own vegan cookbook, fitting in time to surf and cruising the NSW South Coast in her van.

She hopes the launch of her website will inspire others to take on the vegan way of life.

Before you went vegan, did you eat a lot of meat?

Yes. I lived off meat, dairy, and eggs. I would eat chicken parmigiana once or twice a day, five days a week when I worked as a waitress at the [local] bowling club.

I loved milkshakes and chocolate Maltesers. I was a big dairy and meat person – not so much red meat but a lot of chicken and seafood.

When I became vegan, I was living in Glebe (which at the time was the vegan capital of Sydney) and that made the transition easier. I didn’t find it hard at all to go vegan.

At the moment you’re working on a new website that you’re going to launch. What will be on the website?

The website has been a work in progress for a couple of months now. It hasn’t launched yet, but my friend and I are working on it and it’s going to be really soon. It is going to be a combination of things. There will be a blog that will have articles, tips, blog posts, all different types of things surrounding veganism, yoga, health, and lifestyle.

It will also have a lot of vegan recipes as I am working on a vegan cookbook. It will have sneak peeks of the recipes. It’s also going to have reviews on vegan products from the supermarket and reviews on ethical brands. 

When will your website be launched?

My friend who is helping me – she does a lot of the social media and technical work. She has just done a draft website which she’s worked hard on. It looks awesome so we pretty much know what we are going to do. I would say in a month or two, it should be up – definitely by the end of the year.

What sort of food will be in your vegan cookbook?

I love to cook treats and desserts so there will be a lot of those. There will also be a whole range of things. I want to have main meals, breakfasts, dinners, sweet things, savoury snacks. I also want to include things that are vegan keto and oil-free. A lot of it will be gluten-free and refined sugar. It’s going to have all different cuisines like Mexican and Italian.

What have you learnt so far in your yoga training?

It’s super interesting. I have found the anatomy part interesting and beneficial to my practice. I think something I can take away from the training so far is you can never know enough. There is always more to learn, more to practice, and more to find out.

Will you start teaching your own yoga classes soon?

Definitely. That’s another aspect of the website as well. Hopefully, yoga will come into the Naturally Daisy brand so I can teach classes at the [local] surf club or at the beach or find a large space. The website will be a place where people can find out when the classes will be, the timetable, and where they will be.

I would love to do pop-up classes wherever I am going. Another aspect of the website is to eventually get my name out into the yoga teaching work and be able to take that anywhere I go and say, “Here is my website, this is what I do”. I would also like to do online classes in the future.

What inspires you?

People in my life inspire me, my friends, my yoga teacher. They inspire me to live a wholesome, centered, balanced life – to keep doing what I’m doing and be as healthy and happy as I can. I guess that’s the end goal for everyone.

You can currently find Daisy on Instagram @naturallydaisy.co


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